don's home on the internet  

This page needs to be updated, as my mom sent out some old family pictures that I need to scan in. In the meantime,
my inlaws down in Portland were up recently to celebrate Elise's graduation and so I'm adding a few pictures from their visit:

I was going through some old family pictures recently and noticed some interesting things, thought I'd post them up.  Click any picture for a larger view.

First, looking at my grandfather, father and various other family members, there's a strong family resemblance:


My father as a kid (next to his mom)

Father as a grownup

My cousin Mike with his wife Diane

Me Summer 2007

Second, a lot of us seem to have sort of a demented sense of humor:

Dad told his family this was his "Summer uniform"

My cousin Mike after we visited the Sci Fi museum in Seattle

My daughter Elise prior to a ride

And after a ride

Third:  motorcycles!

Grandpa riding what appears to be a 1948ish Harley

Elise and I on my first Triumph

Fourth:  NERDS!  Mike and I both have a degree in Math, work in the programming field.  It seems to be
hereditary, too.

Cousin Mike showing Elise how to operate an SR-71 Blackbird at the Museum of Flight

Full size SR-71

Some irises that came to us from grandma's garden:  surprising they're still alive, as we're not good at keeping plants alive...

Finally, a cool page from a family album that my Aunt Sally put together with pictures from my dad's time in the service